ECHA info 01-02-23
Cliquer sur View online pour vous informer des dernières informations de ECHA concernant les sujets suivant:
Coming up: webinar on the revised completeness check of REACH registrations
8 February, 11:00-13:00 Helsinki time
ECHA’s Programming Document 2023-2026 now available
Updated advice on testing nanomaterials
Call for evidence: Investigation report on PVC and PVC additives
Assessment of regulatory needs report published
New substance evaluation conclusion published
4,4'-bis(diethylamino)benzophenone (EC 202-025-4, CAS 90-93-7)
Testing proposal consultations launched
- Consultation on harmonised classification and labelling. The deadline is 31 March 2023.
New web page sheds light on biocides work
Which Member States allow creosote-treated wood to be placed on the market?
Consultation launched for a potential candidate for substitution
2,2-dibromo-2-cyanoacetamide (DBNPA) (EC 233-539-7, CAS 10222-01-2) as a potential candidate for substitution under the Biocidal Products Regulation.
Occupational exposure limits:
Consultation on chloroprene and glycidyl methacrylate
2-chloro-1,3-butadiene (Chloroprene)
(EC 214-818-0, CAS 126-99-8); and -
2,3-epoxypropyl methacrylate (glycidyl methacrylate)
(EC 203-441-9, CAS 106-91-2)
European Commission:
New transition pathway for the chemical industry's green and digital transitions