ECHA info 29-03-23
Cliquer sur les articles pour vous informer des dernières informations de ECHA concernant les sujets suivant:
ECHA's Risk Assessment Committee backs PFAS ban in firefighting foams
Our latest episode covers highlights from March committees
- Enforcement authorities to target PFCAs and related substances
- Follow-up report on how to improve robust study summaries
- Webinar on PFAS restriction proposal – programme available
- ECHA reviews extended one-generation reproductive toxicity studies and recommends good practices
- New substance evaluation conclusion published for CoRAP substance
- Reminder: Join our webinar on the new data availability system
- New intentions and proposals to harmonise classification and labelling
Consultation on harmonised classification and labelling
- 4-phenylbenzophenone (EC 218-345-2; CAS 2128-93-0)
Ad hoc consultation on harmonised classification and labelling
- Melaleuca alternifolia, ext. [1] Melaleuca alternifolia, essential oil; tea tree oil [2] (EC 285-377-1 [1]; CAS 85085-48-9 [1] CAS 68647-73-4 [2]
- Two consultations for alternatives launched
- Commission decisions on Union authorisations
- Other decisions on biocides