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ECHA info 14-08-24


Cliquer sur les articles pour vous informer des dernières informations de ECHA concernant les sujets suivant:


ECHA gets a role supporting the Industrial Emissions Directive




            We are looking for comments until 6 September 2024 on the harmonised classification and labelling (CLH) proposal for:

  • dazomet (ISO); tetrahydro-3,5-dimethyl-1,3,5-thiadiazine-2-thione (EC 208-576-7, CAS 533-74-4).

            You have until 11 October 2024 to submit comments on the following CLH proposals:


Combined consultations on candidates for substitution and derogation to exclusion criteria

We have launched biocides consultations on:

  • 2,2-dibromo-2-cyanoacetamide; [DBNPA] (EC 233-539-7, CAS 10222-01-2), PT 11; and
  • Reaction products of ammonium bromide and sodium hypochlorite, generated in-situ (EC -, CAS -), PT 11 and 12.

Have your say until 26 August 2024.

  • Pyrithione zinc (Zinc pyrithione) (EC 236-671-3, CAS 13463-41-7), PT 6, 7, 9 and 21.

Have your say until 4 October 2024.


Biocidal Products Committee meets in September

The agenda of the next Biocidal Products Committee meeting is now available online.

The meeting will take place online from 17 to 18 September 2024.


Guide for enforcement of mixture classification based on bridging principles

European Commission's decisions:

EU Chemicals Legislation Finder (EUCLEF):

Check the latest updates in EUCLEF

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