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ECHA info 21-08-24


Cliquer sur les articles pour vous informer des dernières informations de ECHA concernant les sujets suivant:


Have your say in our consultations

Contribute to chemical safety in the EU by submitting your input on our topical consultations and calls for evidence.

This week, we have launched two new consultations on harmonised classification and labelling proposals for:

  • 4-hydroxy-4-methylpentan-2-one; diacetone alcohol (EC 204-626-7, CAS 123-42-2); and
  • 8-methyldecan-2-yl propionate; 8-methyldecan-2-yl propanoate (EC -, CAS 81931-28-4).

Have your say until 18 October 2024.


Assessment of regulatory needs report published

Report for the following substance group is now available on our website:


New proposals to harmonise classification and labelling

Two proposals have been submitted for:

  • reaction products of ammonium bromide and sodium hypochlorite, generated in-situ (EC -, CAS -); and
  • choline hydrogen phosphonate (EC -, CAS 947138-30-9).


Last change to register: Contract research organisation days

We will host Contract research organisation days on 19-20 November 2024 in Helsinki.


Research results on extended one-generation reproductive toxicity study (EOGRTS) effects

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