ECHA info 2-10-24
Cliquer sur les articles pour vous informer des dernières informations de ECHA concernant les sujets suivant:
Highlights from September RAC and SEAC meetings
Sofia Zisi is the new chair of ECHA's Management Board
Our Management Board has elected its Greek member, Sofia Zisi, to lead its work for the next two years as of 1 October 2024.
Assessment of regulatory needs report published
Report for the following substance group is now available on our website:
- Consultations on harmonised classification and labelling
- Poison centre notifications must be in harmonised format as of 1 January 2025
Prior Informed Consent (PIC):
Exchange of information under PIC reported for 2022-2023
European Commission decisions:
REACH – decisions on applications for authorisation
EU Observatory for Nanomaterials (EUON);
NAMs4NANO Project – promoting uses of new assessment methods
New reports under EFSA NAMs4NANO Project were published on the European Food Safety Authority's website.