ECHA info 21-11-24
Cliquer sur les articles pour vous informer des dernières informations de ECHA concernant les sujets suivant:
ECHA and five European countries issue progress update on PFAS restriction
Updated guidance on new CLP criteria
We have updated our guidance on applying the classification, labelling and packaging (CLP) regulation.
It covers advice on the new hazard criteria for
- endocrine disruptors (ED) for human health or the environment;
- persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT); very persistent and very bioaccumulative (vPvB) substances; and
- persistent, mobile and toxic (PMT); very persistent and very mobile (vPvM) substances.
New proposals to harmonise classification and labelling
Four proposals have been submitted for:
- tebufenpyrad (ISO); N-(4-tertbutylbenzyl)-4-chloro-3-ethyl-1-methyl-1H-pyrazole-5- carboxamide (EC -; CAS 119168-77-3);
- Potassium bromate (EC 231-829-8; CAS 7758-01-2)
- sodium bromate (EC 232-160-4; CAS 7789-38-0)
- 2-butanone-O,O',O''-(phenylsilylidyne)trioxime (433-360-6; CAS 34036-80-1)
Assessment of regulatory needs report published
Report for the following substance group is now available on our website:
Consultation on a candidate for substitution
We have launched a biocides consultation on:
3-Iodo-2-propynylbutylcarbamate (EC 259-627-5, CAS 55406-53-6) for product-type 10. -
Save the date: Biocide stakeholders' workshop next spring
We are hosting a free hybrid workshop on the Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR) on 29-30 April 2025.
Materials available from Forum's stakeholder workshop
Q&A available: Research needs for protecting human health and the environment
Board of Appeal:
Appeal concerning a completeness check
decision dismissed
European Commission:
- REACH - decisions on applications for
authorisation -
REACH committee meeting in December - draft agenda available
The next meeting of the European Commission's REACH Committee will take place on 17 December 2024.