ECHA NIeuws 10-05-23
Klik op de artikels om op de hoogte te blijven van de laatste ontwikkelingen bij ECHA over volgende onderwerpen:
ECHA Conference 2024 – save the date and share your ideas
- Do you have information about analytical methods to measure CMRs in childcare products?
- Have your say by 7 June 2023. Our report is expected to be ready in November 2023.
- Commission adopts restriction on lead in PVC
- Assessment of regulatory needs report published
- List of substances not benefitting from reduced information requirements removed from ECHA's website
- New proposals to harmonise classification and labelling
- Tincalconite (B4Na2O7.5H2O) (EC 601-708-8, CAS 12045-88-4)
- Ulexite (CaNaH12(BO3)5.2H2O); Ulexite (CaNaH12(BO3)5.2H2O), calcined (EC -, CAS -)
- Colemanite (CaH(BO2)3.2H2O); Boron calcium oxide (B6Ca2O11), hydrate (1:5);Colemanite, calcined (EC -, CAS -)
- Consultation on harmonised classification and labelling
Prior Informed Consent:
European Union Observatory for Nanomaterials:
Final reminder: call for study proposals
If you still want to propose a topic for upcoming studies for the EUON, this is your final chance. The call for study proposals closes on 12 May 2023.